
What if I can't fall asleep during my sleep study?

What if I can't fall asleep during my sleep study?

Home sleep apnea testing is a safe alternative to the traditional in-lab sleep study performed at a sleep center or hospital sleep lab. “What if I can’t fall asleep during my sleep study?” is the most common concern patients have about sleep testing at-home or in-lab. Here’s how to avoid the two sleep study mistakes that can prevent you from falling asleep during your sleep study, potentially saving you money in repeat sleep test fees that are often not covered by your health insurance.

Does sleep apnea reduce your immune system function?

Does sleep apnea reduce your immune system function?

Do sleep disorders like sleep apnea and insomnia reduce your immune system response to viruses and keep you sick longer? Science says yes. Current peer-reviewed research has demonstrated that uninterrupted, full-night sleep is necessary for strong immunity.

How Your Immune System is Destroyed by Poor Sleep

How Your Immune System is Destroyed by Poor Sleep

Doctors have known for a long time that sleep deprivation suppresses the body's immuno-response, increasing your susceptibility to infection and reducing your body's ability to fight off diseases. A focus on uninterrupted restorative sleep can improve your body's immune system and strengthen your response to colds and flu viruses, improving recovery and overall wellness.

Austin's Traffic is Why You Can't Fall Sleep (and How to Protect Yourself)

Austin's Traffic is Why You Can't Fall Sleep (and How to Protect Yourself)

The various impacts of traffic congestion are well-known, but what are often ignored are the side-effects to your wellness and overall quality of life. Austin’s severe traffic congestion taxes your health by increasing insomnia and reducing total restorative sleep time. Learn how traffic congestion destroys your health and sleep and the “Four Essential Steps” to immediately do when you arrive home!

The Simplest (and Hardest) Treatment for Insomnia

The Simplest (and Hardest) Treatment for Insomnia

Smart phones are the new Boogeyman in the bedroom and for good reason: Americans love staring at their smart phones. Adults spend a staggering 11+ hours daily staring at screens, with nearly 5 of those hours spent watching television. 88% of Americans use a smart phone while also watching television despite “strong, consistent evidence of an association between bedtime access to or use of devices and reduced sleep quantity and quality, as well as increased daytime sleepiness.”

Vitamin D: Your #1 Ally for Better Sleep

Vitamin D: Your #1 Ally for Better Sleep

Learn how Vitamin D deficiency is responsible for insomnia, fatigue, and depression and what you can do to increase your Vitamin D to naturally improve your restorative sleep with Austin's top-rated sleep disorders testing and treatment center, SleepSomatics.

The #1 Sign of a Sleep Disorder … and it’s not Insomnia

The #1 Sign of a Sleep Disorder … and it’s not Insomnia

Patients and doctors both mistakenly believe that Insomnia is the main symptom of a sleep disorder. And that misperception is one reason why 9 out of 10 patients remain undiagnosed and untreated for a sleep disorder.

Does iOS 10 “Night Shift” and Sleep Analysis Sleep Mode Improve Sleep and Cure Insomnia?

Does iOS 10 “Night Shift” and Sleep Analysis Sleep Mode Improve Sleep and Cure Insomnia?

Sleep clinical research on whether Apple iPhone iOS 10's new “Night Shift” and Sleep Analysis Sleep Mode can actually improve sleep and cure insomnia. From American Board of Sleep Medicine registered sleep technologist and clinician at SleepSomatics, an American Academy of Sleep Medicine accredited sleep disorders center in Austin, TX.

Go Back to Sleep Before Back-to-School

Go Back to Sleep Before Back-to-School

As Texas kids head back to school, many parents don't know that their children's summer sleep habits and poor school year sleep is responsible for poor grades, poor academic performance, behavioral problems, and if left-untreated, long-term health complications.

Restorative Sleep and Weight Loss

Restorative Sleep and Weight Loss

"With all the money Americans spend on weight loss, why are we the fattest nation on Earth? There are many reasons. The most common reason for weight gain: poor sleep. If you aren't happy with how you look naked, then you must fix your sleep."

Side-Effects and What to Expect from CPAP, Bi-PAP, and PAP Therapy

Side-Effects and What to Expect from CPAP, Bi-PAP, and PAP Therapy

The CPAP side-effects patients most often are worried about are those we discuss below. This SleepSomatics article on CPAP side-effects takes an admittedly tongue-and-cheek approach to the side-effects discussion. A degree of both humor and levity are employed for effect.

Battle of the Bulge is a Battle of the Sleep Deprived

Battle of the Bulge is a Battle of the Sleep Deprived

Monday morning: we head back to work, get a fresh start on the new week, and often yawn repeatedly as we wish we could have gotten just a few more hours of sleep over the weekend. Sound familiar? For millions of sleep-deprived Americans, Blue Monday is a fatigued, somnolent reality.

Caution on Ambien and sedative sleep aide usage

Caution on Ambien and sedative sleep aide usage

60 million prescription sleep aides are prescribed in the United States. Ambien is the #1 prescribed hypnotic. And new physician research recommends greater caution for doctors and patients when considering these sleep aides as a first response to sleepiness and insomnia complaints.

What Causes Deficient Restorative Sleep?

What Causes Deficient Restorative Sleep?

This SleepSomatics blog article is part three of a three part series on sleep quality, sleep disorders, and in-lab sleep study testing.

Fragmented or Interrupted Sleep As Bad As No Sleep At All!

Fragmented or Interrupted Sleep As Bad As No Sleep At All!

Do you wake up often at night with insomnia or snore heavily and ignore your sleep apnea? New research shows that fragmented or interrupted sleep is just as potentially fatal as getting no sleep at all!

What is Restorative Sleep?

What is Restorative Sleep?

This SleepSomatics blog article is part two of a three part series on sleep quality, sleep disorders, and in-lab sleep study testing.

Even Missing One Night of Sleep Can Be Dangerous

Even Missing One Night of Sleep Can Be Dangerous

Researchers at University of Bonn and King's College London found that even as little as 24 hours without sleep can produce symptoms of schizophrenia.

Gym vs. Bed: Evening Workouts and Sleep

Gym vs. Bed: Evening Workouts and Sleep

Avoiding strenuous exercise or working out in the evening has been a hallmark of sleep hygiene counseling, and recent studies are suggesting that this may not be entirely accurate for all people.